Thursday, May 3, 2012

Basic Cupcake decoration class

On 2nd of April..another 5 beautiful ladies had proudly graduated from my basic cupcakes decoration class! They have natural talents indeed.. all their decorated cuppies were great and pretty!
Thank you Early, Evi, Dewi, Kak Ani and specially for joining.. i had fun sharing my humble knowledge with you.

Happy cupping!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Theme: Luxurious travel luggage

I was crazy to attempt this cake design. It was for a farewell. Nobody asked, just tot i give it a shot.. and didn't think it'll turn up this great! (haha.. pardon my self-complement, but it took me a while to figure out this cake, and sleepless nites to get it done.. so i deserve a lil credit for my effort :))

The Lenotre restaurant (our venue for the farewell party) won't allow outside cake to be brought in, so I wrapped it nicely as a prezent, in theme with the night- Polkas!
 So there's 1 LV Monogram trunk, 1 LV damier luggage, 1 Chanel luggage and a travel Celine.. all made by hand (including the imprints! yeah.. i was that crazy! Many thanks to Myra's ruler ;)

 Farewell Zakiah! Sure glad you enjoyed the luxurious cake. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Theme: Hats on!

It's February and I just realized i didn't get the chance to bake my now 14months old boy a cake for his first birthday. Since some frens are coming over for breakfast, I decided to bake some cuppies just for Maqeel. For photo-memory-wise.

Here's for you my boy! Happy 1st Birthday! 


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Theme: Varieties of hobby

It has been too long since I ever made any set of cuppies. Got a request from a friend to make all sort of 'logo' which represent her husband's hobby. So, I tot.. heck.. why not.. saje suke2..

Tiny lil helmets
Tiny lil boots